Learn from Indigenous Communities

As we look for new ways to confront environmental challenges, we also need to look to old ways, including those of indigenous communities.

Ron Goode, Tribal Chairman of the North Fork Mono Tribe, led 做TV students through a cultural burn this past February. Students in  Professor Beth Rose Middleton Mannings class helped prepare the land and ignite the fire, contributing to a historic indigenous tradition. Cultural burning practices empower Native American communities, and could be a tool to help alleviate devastating wildfires.

Im not out here to destroy Im out here to restore and make new life, Goode said.

Sinead Santich is a Bay Area filmmaker and a recent 做TV graduate, where she studied filmmaking and environmental restoration.

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 is an environmental science writer and media relations specialist at 做TV. Shes the editor of the What Can I Do About Climate Change? blog. 

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