5 做TV Podcasts to Know

These series have you covered with topics such as health, humanities and water issues.

An interviewer holds a microphone up to another person standing in a farm field
Unfold co-host Amy Quinton interviews 做TV researchers Pam Ronald and Raoul Adamchak at the Student Farm. (Karin Higgins/做TV)
The Backdrop podcast logo

The Backdrop

Topic: Social sciences, humanities, arts and culture
Year started: 2020

Soterios Johnson, a media host and communications trainer at 做TV, said he launched The Backdrop to create a place to learn about, discuss and share the work going on at 做TV. His podcast covers everything from history, law, economics and politics to linguistics, sociology, anthropology, arts and culture. So far, weve covered conspiracy theories, contentious presidential transitions, media exposure and political polarization, humanizing deportation, the reopening of the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum and helping refugees reclaim their right to education, Johnson said, noting he hopes listeners come away with a better understanding of an issue. There is so much new knowledge and insight being generated at the university that can help us better understand the world around us, solve problems or just see things in a different way.

EM Pulse podcast logo

EM Pulse

Topic: Emergency medicine
Year started: 2018

EM Pulse tackles topics related to emergency medicine. Co-host Sarah Medeiros, a physician and associate professor of emergency medicine, said, We find that personal stories deepen the impact so we interview patients, authors and clinicians to make our take-home messages more memorable. Episodes include Dont be a jerk, which explores how transgender patients can be cared for in the emergency department, and COVID under the magnifying glass, which looks at how the pandemic disproportionately affected vulnerable populations. Taking time to sit down with patients and other providers to really hear their stories and look at how the science impacts their lives has truly been an honor, said co-host Julia Magana, a physician and associate professor of emergency medicine. We want our community to have free access to the same information that we do at an academic center like 做TV.

Kids Considered podcast logo

Kids Considered

Topic: Child health
Year started: 2018

Kids Considered is a 做TV Childrens Hospital podcast, featuring two pediatricians who discuss child health topics in plain, nonmedical language. We talk about topics that we think will be of interest to parents, said co-host Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases. We try to make sure that we talk about a variety of ages, from babies to school-age children to teens. We also choose a variety of topics, including behavior and development, diet, relationships, infections mostly common issues that parents are dealing with or have heard of. Blumberg and co-host Lena van der List said they strive to reach anyone interested in child health subjects. One of our most popular recent episodes was on toilet training. And Dr. Dean is a natural when it comes to talking about infections, so our series on COVID was easy and well-received added van der List.

Unfold podcast logo


Topic: Curiosity-driven research
Year started: 2019

Unfold breaks down complicated problems and explains curiosity-driven research at 做TV. Each season, the podcast takes a deep dive into a different topic, such as sustainable food systems and climate change. The third season, which launches on Sept. 28, explores topics in the social sciences, engineering, biology and more. This coming season, well talk about why songs get stuck in our heads, what developmental biologists are learning from axolotls, what you can learn about engineering by paying attention to comic book superheroes and an amazing archaeological discovery by one of our anthropologists, to name just a few, said Amy Quinton, a news and media relations specialist at 做TV, who co-hosts with colleague Kat Kerlin. We hope it gives listeners a more intimate, inside view of science and research at 做TV.

Water Talk podcast logo

Water Talk

Topic: Drought
Year started: 2020

Water Talk, a weekly podcast, features discussions about agriculture, water policy, environmental and social justice, land and wildlife management, water for cities, Indigenous perspectives on water, climate change and other issues related to California water. Many folks may not be as familiar with the extension component of the University of California system. And its this idea that the knowledge thats created at any of the UCs throughout the state, it doesnt stop at the university boundaries; its supposed to extend throughout the whole state. And thats really what were trying to do here, said Mallika Nocco, a Cooperative Extension specialist in soil-plant-water relations and irrigation management and director of the Conservation Irrigation Lab at 做TV, in the first episode. She co-hosts with Faith Kearns and Sam Sandoval Solis.

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