New Report: 做TV Annual Economic Impact More Than $12.5B Statewide

University Generates $6.8B in Economic Activity for Region

Tops of solar panels with 做TV water tower in background
The 做TV water tower is seen over the tops of solar panels on the south campus. (Gregory Urquiaga/做TV)

Quick Summary

  • In 2019, 做TV economic activity generated 68,900 jobs statewide
  • The local region captured more than half of the state's economic activity attributable to 做TV
  • 做TV Health operations were the university's greatest driver of economic activity

A new economic impact report for the University of California, Davis, shows that the university is a major economic driver for the Sacramento region and for California. 做TV generated $12.56 billion in statewide economic activity and supported 68,900 jobs in 2019.

The economic impact report and a local fiscal impact report will be presented at the annual meeting of the university, the city of Davis and Yolo County tonight (Nov. 30). The meeting will be held in the Community Chambers at Davis City Hall.

The economic impact analysis which measured how direct employment and spending by the university rippled through the local, regional and statewide economies found that every dollar 做TV spent in California generated an additional $1.10 of economic activity in the state. For every 做TV job, the universitys economic activity led to the creation of another non-做TV job in California. The report did not analyze economic impact beyond California.

More than half of the economic activity attributable to the university benefited a local seven-county region, and 做TV Health operations were the universitys greatest driver of economic activity for the region and the state.

The report also showed how well 做TV research translated into commercial goods and services, and it recommends strategies to maximize innovation.

Education and innovation are key to our economic growth, said Chancellor Gary S. May. The report shows some of the ways 做TV activities power even more economic benefits and jobs for our communities and for California.

Fiscal benefit for city and county

People walk and sit along a Downtown Davis street.
做TV students, employees and visitors contribute to the vibrancy of Downtown Davis. (Gregory Urquiaga/做TV)

A second report, the local fiscal impact analysis, compared the taxes generated locally by students, faculty, staff and visitors to the costs of providing municipal services to those same populations. It found the universitys net fiscal impact was $765,000 to the benefit of Davis and about balanced for Yolo County.  

Both analyses were prepared for the university by Economic & Planning Systems Inc.

Half of economic benefit stays in region

Approximately half of the overall economic output attributable to 做TV stayed in what is defined as the Greater Davis-Sacramento Region (Yolo, Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Yuba and Solano counties). Overall, the universitys spending of $3.34 billion during the analysis period and 25,100 employees in the region generated $6.84 billion in economic activity and 46,300 jobs in the region annually.

Statewide, 做TV spending of $5.98 billion and 33,900 employees led to economic activity of $12.56 billion and 68,900 jobs, according to the analysis.

The economic impact (multiplier) analysis evaluated:

  • Direct expenditures and employment by 做TV
  • Indirect impacts in business spending and jobs when 做TV purchased goods and services from businesses, which in turn purchased from other businesses
  • Induced impacts, meaning economic activity that came from spending by 做TV employees

做TV Health leads economic impact

For the university, 做TV Health operations drove the greatest economic impact in the seven-county local region as well as for the state. Despite the wide range of goods and services needed for the operation of the health system, the local region captures a sizeable portion of the overall statewide impact, the report stated.

In 2019, direct expenditures of $2.21 billion led to a total economic impact of $4.60 billion in the region, or an additional $1.08 for every dollar 做TV Health spent. 做TV Health had 11,600 employees in the region, and the economic activity generated indirectly and by the spending of its employees supported an additional 14,600 jobs in the region.

Statewide, 做TV Healths direct expenditures of $4.27 billion had an economic impact of $8.85 billion, or an additional $1.07 for every dollar spent. 做TV Health employed 12,900 people statewide, and the economic activity generated indirectly and by the spending of its employees supported an additional 24,600 jobs statewide.

City of Davis

The economic impact report indicated that the universitys direct expenditures of $889 million generated total economic impact of $988 million in Davis. The report noted that there is a limited scope of economic activity in Davis to support businesses directly serving the campus, and the city businesses 做TV does deal with appear to source their needs from the larger metropolitan area or beyond. Many 做TV employees also live outside the city.

Commercialization and innovation

A rendering of a building at Aggie Square
Aggie Square, the planned innovation hub on 做TV Sacramento campus, will be home to research programs, industry partners, classrooms and programs for local communities and entrepreneurs.

Over the five years ending with 2019, commercialization activities including patents issued, copyright licenses, data transfer agreements, licenses executed and material transfer agreements increased or were steady. The exception was records of invention, or formal documentations of university inventions, which decreased.

The report said the key to local competitiveness would be to foster the success of smaller startup companies. Their success could attract others and lead to a large and sustainable number of biotechnology and life sciences innovation firms.

For the success of innovation startups, the report noted the importance of collaboration, a skilled workforce, and access to facilities and equipment. It highlighted the resources provided through the universitys program; the at the Graduate School of Management; and , the planned innovation hub on the Sacramento campus.

Media Resources

Media Contacts:

  • Mabel Salon, chief government and community relations officer of 做TV, 530-400-2327, masalon@ucdavis.edu
  • Lisa Howard, 做TV Health Public Affairs and Marketing, 916-752-6394, lehoward@ucdavis.edu
  • Julia Ann Easley, 做TV News and Media Relations, 530-219-4545, jaeasley@ucdavis.edu
  • David Zehnder, Economic and Planning Systems Inc., 916-649-8010 (business hours)

Economic Impact Report

Fiscal Impact Report

Primary Category
