
From the Ocean to Tahoe, Weā€™re Looking for People and Photos

Photo: Nicole Kollars inspects a plot of seagrass at Bodega Bay.
In an experimental plot at Bodega Bay, doctoral student Nicole Kollars measures the recovery of seagrass after it had been grazed by Pacific Brant geese. Kollars is a student of John Stachowicz, professor of evolution and ecology. (Gregory Urquiaga/°µTV)

°µTVā€™ Bodega Marine Laboratory is looking for alumni, and the Tahoe Environmental Research Center has put out a call for photographs or films that show the lakeā€™s shoreline with or without algae before the 1990s.

 Bodega Marine Laboratory 50th Anniversary

The invitation-only reunion is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 17. People with a lab connection can leave their contact information on the , so that the lab can respond with reunion details.

 2 beachgoers, 1952, at Lake Tahoe
Photo taken in 1952 at Regan Beach (Lake Tahoeā€™s south shore) gives TERC researcher Scott Hackley a clue: ā€œThere was very little algae along the beach back then.ā€ (Photo courtesy Jack Mattis)

ā€¢ Tahoe Environmental Research Center ā€” Itā€™s hoping to quantify anecdotal data that suggests there used to be extremely low attached algae (periphyton) levels on Lake Tahoeā€™s shoreline. ā€œThere were also likely more rooted plants, such as tulles and lilies,ā€ a TERC news release states. ā€œTo better understand what the biology was like around the lake in the past, it would be extremely valuable to see photos and films of the shoreline and piers accompanied by personal accounts of what was remembered.ā€ Submissions will be considered for the centerā€™s Historical Shoreline Algae Study.

Present-day images also are welcome, via TERCā€™s free Citizen Science Tahoe app (available at ).

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Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu

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